1552 Square Feet (141 Square Meter) (172 Square Yards) small double storied modern contemporary home design. Designed by Shajil M.P, Kerala.

Square feet details
Ground floor : 883 sq.ft.
First floor : 669 sq.ft.
Total Area : 1552 sq.ft.
Number of bedrooms : 3
Design style : Modern contemporary

Small contemporary home

Facilities of this house

Ground floor
  • Porch
  • Sit out
  • Living
  • Dining
  • 1 bedroom
  • Common toilet
  • Kitchen
  • Work area
First floor
  • 2 bedroom
  • Attached toilets
  • Upper sitting
  • Seen below
  • Balcony
For more information of this home, contact
Designer : Shajil M.P
MOB:+91 9847542281

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